Tax deductibility (ANBI)

The Vipassana Foundation is recognized by the Tax Authorities as an ANBI (public benefit organisation). See our entry in the ANBI register here (in Dutch).

Under Dutch law, donations to an ANBI are income tax deductible under certain conditions (in Dutch). (Cash donations are not considered deductible by the Dutch tax authorities). These rules also apply for German taxpayers, and may well be applicable in your own country. Transparency is part of ANBI status. The most important information can be found below. And here you can find the official standard ANBI publication form (in Dutch).


Vipassana Stichting

RSIN / fiscal Code: 805313321

Chamber of Commerce no. 410426301

Contact details:

Postal address: Michauxpad 16, 1358 AE Almere

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +31 (0)848-312839



The Vipassana Foundation is a non-profit organisation working for the good of one and all by organising Vipassana meditation courses as taught by the late S.N. Goenka in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin, and by disseminating information about this meditation tradition.

Vipassana meditation is the technique of developing concentration, insight and high moral values, as it was rediscovered and taught by the Buddha. The technique provides an effective method to promote peace and harmony between people, nations and religions.

Organizational structure

Jitka van Meel (chairman)
Brigitte Lammers (secretary)
Joost Walda (treasurer)
Mees van der Starre
Ton de Heij
Margreet Zickhardt
Ad Molenaars
Jan Kroep
Robbert Koolhaas
Hannetje Crommelin
Meenaakshi Rao
Shadan Nassar

Supervisory Board (all Assistant Teachers):
Arthur Rosenfeld (chairman)
Eva Dieterman
Danny Holvast
Joyce van Hoorn
Anneke Kruijer
David Lander
Marieke Landuijt
Veerle Offerhaus
Teun Zuiderent-Jerak

Policy plan

The Vipassana Foundation aims to promote the welfare of all through the dissemination of information and education in Vipassana meditation in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin, as taught by the late S.N. Goenka.

The Vipassana Foundation organizes on average every month a 10-day course in which participants can learn the technique used in Vipassana meditation. In addition, 1-day and 3-day courses are organized for old students, those who have completed at least one course.

The financing of the foundation and of these courses takes place exclusively through donations given by old students. The gifts are used exclusively to pursue the objective as described above.

Remuneration policy

The activities organized by the Vipassana Foundation are carried out exclusively by volunteers. There are no reimbursements.

Current report of activities

In 2023, the Dhamma hall of Dhamma Taḷāka has been extensively renovated, walking areas have been laid out and investments have been made in the sleeping quarters, the wooden house and the kitchen. The capacity has been increased from about 35 to 47 students and the courses have been mixed and no longer organized separately for women and men seperately.

A total of twelve 10-day courses were held and two 3-day courses. In addition, twelve 1-day courses, three children's courses, four committee and board weekends and a number of Dhamma-service periods have been organized. The total number of students who participated in a residential course was 454 for 10-day courses (2022: 282, 2021: 178) and for 3-day courses 67 (2022: 188, 2021: 42). The total number of servers serving on a residential-day course was 165.

There are several group sit locations in the Netherlands and every Wednesday evening there is the possibility to meditate together remotely by means of an online group sit. After the summer, online group sittings were also started for children who have participated in a children's course.

Financial reporting

See below last year's annual financial report.

Annual figures